Luxury Employee Experience: the Virtual Assistant for fashion houses

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HR, In-App & After-sales Virtual Assistant for Fashion & Luxury

We have successfully collaborated with a leading Italian high fashion maison, which had the need to digitize and automate the processes related to Sales Force and Human Resources to meet internal operational and innovation needs.

Responsa’s solution

With its Knowledge Base, Artificial Intelligence, and ChatBot solution, Responsa provided a service capable of supporting the company’s employees in internal communication.

AI and ChatBot

A next-generation Virtual Assistant for Customer Care and Shopping Experience, powered by NLP, Machine, and Deep Learning.

Live Chat

Based on certain conditions, the Virtual Assistant can escalate to a human agent in real time.

Knowledge Base

An intelligent and up-to-date knowledge base that uses an advanced semantic search engine to always find the exact answer.


If a knowledge base search does not generate results, the user can open a support ticket.

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AI e Chatbot

Un Assistente Virtuale per il Customer Care e la Shopping Experience di nuova generazione, potenziato da NLP, Machine e Deep Learning.

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Knowledge Base

Una base di conoscenza intelligente e aggiornata che sfrutta un avanzato motore di ricerca semantico per trovare sempre la risposta esatta.

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Nel caso in cui la ricerca Knowledge base non generi risultati, l’utente può aprire un ticket di assistenza.

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Live Chat

In base a determinate condizioni l’Assistente Virtuale può scalare su un agente umano in tempo reale.

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Discover the solutions and results achieved by Responsa in the Luxury & Fashion Case Study

Increase productivity in the Fashion & Luxury sector

Reduce costs and increase staff efficiency

Reduce unexpected events and increase accuracy

Automate first level support

Support your staff’s work in the Fashion and Luxury sector with the next-generation Virtual Assistant:

  • Analyzes and manages data and insights (Data Management);
  • Automates repetitive tasks;
  • Active 24/7.

CASE STUDY Fashion & Luxury - High Fashion Brands

Read the entire case study in detail with objectives, solutions, and results!

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