Chat with your users on any channel

Your conversational experience on the favourite Apps, channels and platforms of your users.

Your conversational, multi-channel solution

The ChatBot can be easily integrated with any channel and platform: instant messaging (WhatsApp, Telegram, Microsoft Teams, etc.), social networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), smart speakers and much more, from the web to the phone. Offer your users a fantastic Customer Experience, allowing them to be given support and advice via the Apps and channels they normally use and establish a closer and more informal bond with them. By bringing the ChatBot to multiple channels, you can simplify the interactions, get to know your customers and prospects better, involve them and promote customer loyalty, make customer service more efficient, reduce costs and increase your ROI.

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Easy and effective support

Providing your users with support and advice via the Apps and channels they generally use allows for more immediate, smooth and effective interaction, facilitating assistance management and reducing the times and costs, thereby enhancing the satisfaction rate of your customers and prospects, their loyalty, sales and the ROI.


A smart and innovative Customer Care

Contact your users via their favourite Apps, channels and platforms, providing rapid and conversational assistance and support in an innovative, customised manner, and closer to each individual user. A one-to-one approach that will allow you to get to know your users more, obtain immediate feedback and simplify the assistance service.


ChatBot and instant messaging

Bringing your ChatBot to the instant messaging platforms is quick and easy. You will be able to offer promotions and special offers to your subscribers, boosting your contact list and customer loyalty, engage users by organising contests, campaigns and competitions, communicate alerts and useful information – all while guaranteeing your users maximum privacy and safety.


ChatBot and smart speakers

Not just text channels: multichannel also means multimodality! The ChatBot can be easily integrated with smart speaker systems, allowing users to be given support in an even smoother, immediate and natural conversational manner, directly at home.

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