Immediate interaction between the ChatBot and your Team.
There are cases were the context of the conversation may require the intervention of a human agent, for example if it is unable to handle the user’s request, the ChatBot can transfer the conversation to a live chat agent. Escalation is also possible through API integration with third-party live chat platforms.
Handover to a Live Chat Agent
Integration with third party platforms
Increase conversion
Live Chat
If the ChatBot cannot handle the user’s request, it can immediately transfer the conversation to an agent of your team in a live chat session.
Escalation is also possible through integration with third-party live chat platforms. If you already have a live chat solution, the ChatBot can easily be integrated with your platform.
Effective chat management
The ChatBot collects all the necessary data to transfer correctly to a live chat and automatically sends the chat transcripts to the agents for requests to be managed more smoothly and rapidly without losing the context.
Can be integrated and open
The ChatBot can be integrated with third-party live chat platforms, allowing truly effective management of the assistance service in synergy with the tools that your agents use every day.
Immediate human support
Quickly resolve complex requests thanks to the targeted intervention of an agent of your team, whom the ChatBot can transfer the conversation to in a live chat session.
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