44 smartphone


Really communicate with all your customers.

Chatbot and Artificial Intelligence solutions are the new way to:

115 earnings

Increase conversions

94 user

Improves the customer experience

147 shuffle

Simplify processes

118 intermediate

Manages peak requests better


ChatBot and telecommunications

You can enhance your customer care with Responsa’s Artificial Intelligence, improving the customer experience and user satisfaction. The Responsa ChatBot allows you to communicate with the users, supporting and guiding them with no waiting times, and to continuously manage an unlimited volume of requests while collecting useful feedback to get to know your customers, promote customer loyalty and acquire new ones.

94 user

Manage thousands of requests simultaneously


Information available 24/7

At any time and wherever the user may be, they can ask for information about the offers, signing of a contract, payment methods, status of their offer and about everything they need to know while obtaining immediate support.


Assistance and complaints management

Responsa’s AI is always ready to instantly respond to the user requests and complaints with relevant useful information, and to support users while guiding them through automatic procedures at any time, even when your team is absent.


Always available on every touchpoint

With Responsa’s AI you are even closer to your customers. Make it easy for you to be contacted for advice, assistance and support via the most popular and used communication channels in the world, such as Facebook, WhatsApp and many others.

Personalized analysis that simulates your ROI

Create your Business Case and discover your ROI

115 earnings

Reduce in-bound traffic and Customer Care costs


Free up the call centre and reduce waiting times

The automation of the most repetitive and frequent requests and procedures will allow you to reduce the number of calls to the call centre, thereby reducing waiting times for the users who obtain immediate answers from the AI, and also for the users who contact the call centre for more complex instances, which can be managed by your team quicker and more effectively and efficiently.


Automated management of requests

Responsa’s AI can immediately respond accurately to the most frequent and repetitive requests from users at any time, managing a potentially unlimited volume of requests.


Booking appointments, assistance and managing procedures

The virtual assistant can support and guide users through simple procedures, which are automated, allowing a potentially unlimited number of requests to be managed, simultaneously reducing assistance costs and waiting times.

You're in good company

They chose Responsa to improve their business

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